Autossh for Synology Diskstation
This article is about compiling autossh for Synology Diskstation devices. The resulting pre-built binary for aarch64 will also be provided for download at the end of the post.
This article is about compiling autossh for Synology Diskstation devices. The resulting pre-built binary for aarch64 will also be provided for download at the end of the post.
In this article I will walk the reader through the inner workings of an OpenHAB2 binding. It is meant to answer the question of “who calls who and when?”, which invariably arises when one starts working with a new framework. It is a summary of what I had learned while writing the binding for my […]
They say that laziness is the mother of progress. It certainly was in my case. I am currently residing in Indonesia, where the outside lighting of one’s house is somewhat of a security practice, and it so happened that it became my job to ensure that these lights went on every evening, and equally importantly, […]
The AT firmware is the default firmware for ESP8266 and provides AT style commands for actions such as join access point and send tcp packet. It is distributed in binary form by Espressif, but it can also be built from source (binary blobby as it may be). Typically one can find a new version of […]
Here is my method of mounting esp8266‘s, specifically ESP-03 on a breadboard without the use of a breakout board. Details inside.
I bought a tape of LEDs thinking that I would convert the lighting in my study to LED, but the tape was shorter than the perimeter of the room, and the LED intensity was too low for it to be useful as a ceiling light (note to self: make sure to buy the super-bright variety […]